




Nonbacterial Prostatitis Causes From Watching Porn?

Nonbacterial Prostatitis Causes From Watching Porn?

The following is one of the little-talked about nonbacterial prostatitis causes you rarely ever hear about. In fact, some people will deny it really is a cause. But the evidence is out there.

Anyway, here is what it is all about:

There was a guy who had a pretty painful case of nonbacterial prostatitis and could not figure out what he did to get it. Was it genetic? Something he "caught"? Something else? When he asked his doctors, they did not really know.

They just knew he had all the usual symptoms.

For example, the tip of his penis was in pain. His anus was in pain. His lower back was in pain. His abdomen was in pain. He even had pain when he got an erection, and especially if he ejaculated. It was a pretty miserable way to live and he wanted answers.

Then, one expert made a statement that shocked him. "Did you watch a lot of porn and masturbate a lot?"

"Actually... yes."

"That could be one of your nonbacterial prostatitis causes."

The man was shocked, but it made sense. He always knew something was wrong with watching all that porn, and he suspected he had been addicted to it (until it hurt to even get an erection, at least). But ejaculating 2-3 times per day, several days a week was rough on his prostate. And he had no doubt that was the part of the problem.

The point?

Watching a lot of porn may or may not be one of the most common nonbacterial prostatitis causes. But it might be, and men should be aware of it.

Article Source: http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Prostatitis/2014/0625/203.html

Nonbacterial Prostatitis Causes That Elude Even The Experts

Nonbacterial Prostatitis Causes That Elude Even The Experts

While science can put a man on the moon, it seems unable to figure out nonbacterial prostatitis causes at all.

Why is this?

Ironically, even though it occurs about eight times more than bacterial prostatitis, there is nothing else to indicate what the exact nonbacterial prostatitis causes are.

Some of the nonbacterial prostatitis symptoms include things like:

  • Burning hot feeling when urinating (almost feels like you're peeing fire!)
  • Fever
  • The chills
  • Lower back pain
  • Groin pain
  • Anus pain
  • Pain in the area between your anus and scrotum
  • Pain at the tip of your penis
  • Having to pee all the time (especially at night when you should be sleeping)
  • Blood in your urine (sometimes visible, sometimes not)
  • And the list goes on...

There are many symptoms, but nobody really knows the causes.

However, I do believe there are some simple ways to prevent it -- like not watching porn (masturbating several times per day puts a huge strain on your prostate), making sure you're getting abundant zinc in your diet, eating fish (or taking fish oil) regularly, drinking at least half your body weight in water and doing internal exercises (like kegels), and basically keeping your immune system strong.

None of these are guarantees, of course.

But taking proactive responsibility for your health is always the first step.

Fact is, an ounce of prevention really IS worth more than a pound of cure.

And that's why, regardless of what the exact nonbacterial prostatitis causes are, the above should go far to keep you from getting it.

Article Source: http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Prostatitis/2014/0625/203.html

Surprising! Three months of Fuyan pill keep the mycoplasma and moderate cervical erosion away

Surprising! Three months of Fuyan pill keep the mycoplasma and moderate cervical erosion away

Ms. Huang has been 42 years old, but she had the problem of irregular menstruation for many years. When during the period, she always go with the symptoms of menorrhagia and the color present to be black with blood clots, besides, the menstruation usually up to 10 days and also accompanied by dysmenorrhea. In addition, what embarrassed her most was that she had the yellow vaginal discharge, intercourse pain and abdominal pain after intercourse for years.

At first, she paid no care for it. Until earlier this year, she found that she had menstruation twice a month. And between two menstruations, the brown vaginal discharge always existed. So she had no choice but went to the hospital.
The result of leucorrhea routine examination showed that the cleanliness was Ⅳ, and there were no trichomoniasis or mold. The colposcopy examination revealed the moderate cervical erosion while the pathological examination showed the chronic inflammation. Under the doctor's recommendation, she took the western medicine such as doxycycline and ofloxacin, but the results were not so good, the recheck result was still mycoplasma. Since then, she stopped the treatment, but turned the traditional Chinese medicine for help.
Occasionally, she heard the TCM Fuyan pills, and had a try. During medication, she paid more attention on the board feedback and successful cases on our website, and kept all tips in her mind. Fortunately, she kept a good diet habits and limited the sex life with her husband. After a course of Fuyan pills taking, she obviously found that the amount of vaginal discharge reduces and the color changed into white, and without other obvious abnormalities. She then continued to take a course.
In the second course of treatment, Ms. Huang told us that the intercourse pain and moderate cervical erosion was gone, and menstrual blood clots were no longer black and dysmenorrhea only appeared on the first day of menstruation. She felt thankful for it.
Considering the repeated infection of mycoplasma, especially the cross-infection between husband and wife, we recommended her to consolidate a course of treatment, and urged her had a check in the hospital as well as her husband. After three courses, the mycoplasma was no longer positive. She said that Fuyan pill gave her the new hope for life.
If you don’t know how to do when you get such kind of disease, you can turn Fuyan pill for help. It is the traditional medicine and it will give you an unexpected result.
article source:http://global.fuyanpills.com/Testimonials/2014/0325/575.html

Fuyan Pill Successful Case - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Fuyan Pill Successful Case - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Name: D Patel

Sex: Female

Age: 46

Nationality: the UK



Suffer from chronic pelvic inflammatory disease for years, experience lower abdominal pain and bulge feeling, has thick and yellowish vaginal discharge. Had two deliveries and one induced abortion.


Previous Tests/Diagnosis:

Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, uterus in the size 65mm*50mm*65mm, 58m*22m hydrocele seen in recto-uterine pouch.



3 courses of Fuyan Pill Sig: P.o 25grms/Bid

with dietary requirement: no alcohol, milk, fished, seafoods, beef, chicken, onions, spicy or icy foods/drinks



After one month medication her lower abdominal pain and distension reduced, vaginal discharge amount reduced; two months medication later all symptoms were gone. Reexamine after three months medication showed uterus with the size 58mm*46mm*21mm, no hydrocele was seen.


The patient had suffered from recurrent symptoms of chronic PID, and the long history made her kidneys and spleen weaker. Thus blood and Qi circulation was weak. Pain occurs when Qi doesn’t circulate well. When spleen is weak, dampness and heat may gather at pelvic area which makes the vaginal discharge abnormal.  Generally, the causes of her condition can be concluded as: poor blood and Qi circulation, dampness and heat obstruction, weakness of kidneys and spleen. As a result, treatment should be aiming at promoting blood circulation, clearing away dampness at heat, and tonifying spleen and kidneys. Fuyan Pill is the very medicine which has above functions, so her condition can be completely cured after 3 months.

article source:http://global.fuyanpills.com/Testimonials/2012/1218/359.html

Tell You How To Lose Weight Fast

Tell You How To Lose Weight Fast

Many fitness and diet experts recommend keeping a diary of whatever food you eat and there is a reason for that. The reason is when you keep a food diary, you are able to concentrate on the foods you eat every day - is it snacks, celery, or a breakfast bar - writing it down in your journal will make you eat less. Abiding by this principle will help you cut down on calories, and cutting down on calories is the best way to a fast weight loss. You don't only cut down on calories, but keeping a food diary also makes you keep track of what you eat and when you eat it, makes you plan the foods to eat and your calorie intake of each food. Are the foods you eat daily healthy? Do you add fruits and vegetables to your daily meal? Keeping a food diary will make things easier and help you plan out your diet.

Drinking enough water throughout the day has tons of benefits including the ability to help you lose weight fast. Health experts recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day to avoid dehydration as well as it flushes poisonous substances out of your system. Drinking enough water throughout the day will help you burn calories. Drink a glass of water before each meal; it will help you consume fewer calories. Fruit juice is also good for you.

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