




Leaving chlamydia untreated would bring bigger trouble

Leaving chlamydia untreated would bring bigger trouble

chlamydia and gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. When transmitted through sexual contact, the bacteria can infect the urinary and reproductive organs. If you leave your chlamydia untreated, it would lead to a lot of health problems. For female patients, they would acquire some diseases of reproductive organs and some other complications which would induce infertility or even death. But for men, they would not likely to suffer severe complication. They would develop inflammation in the reproductive organs and very a few of them would become infertile.

Chlamydia is a quite common disease which can transmitted by sex. It can be found in people in all ages. But young women are the most susceptible. At the early stage, persons with chlamydia would have the symptoms such as painful urination and sex, itching and abnormal discharge. For most of the time, the patients would have no symptoms at all. So that it is easy for us to ignore it and leave it untreated. But leaving chlamydia untreated would lead to further damage, such as PID(pelvic inflammatory disease). PID is a serious infection of uterus and oviduct. It can damage the reproductive organs of women and lead to infertility. Even though a woman with chlamydia have been pregnant, she would have a higher risk of having ectopic pregnancy, giving birth prematurely, or passing the diseases on to their babies. And the infected babies might suffer from pneumonia, blindness and some other health issues. For men, untreated chlamydia may induce infections of epididymis. Epididymis is the tissue located next to testis. The untreated chlamydia also can induce prostatitis. These inflammations are always painful and likely to induce infertility.

In addition, untreated chlamydia would also affect some other parts except for the genital organs. It can induce arthritis, skin lesions and some other diseases of eyes and urethra. Urethra is a tube through which urine and semen flow out of our body.

Since untreated chlamydia can cause so many diseases, we should diagnose it and treat it as soon as possible. Diagnosing chlamydia is not easy because the symptoms may not that evident. If you are sexually active or having sex with more than one partner, you should periodically go to hospital to have an examination. You'd better have protected sex such as wearing a condom. If you or your partner have acquired chlamydia, both of you should be treated. You can take traditional Chinese medicine-diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill to treat it. This medicine has a good effect on clearing away heat and toxic materials. To treat chlamydia in women, Fuyan pill is recommended, which is more suitable for women's health.


Can chlamydia cause endometriosis symptoms?

Can chlamydia cause endometriosis symptoms?

Can chlamydia discharge bring endometriosis symptoms to women is the frequently asked questions among women. However, the answer is complicated and cannot be simply classified into yes and no.

As you may know that the chlamydia is type of bacterium that can be easily caught by having sex with an infected person. This type of bacterium not only can hide in the reproductive organs, but also can spread to other important organs like lungs, eyes, knees and so on. So can the chlamydia causes endometriosis symptoms depends on the spreading location of the chlamydia.

If the Chlamydia Infection runs to the lungs, it just only causes breath problems to women. If the chlamydia spreads to urinary tract, women can experience some urinary problems like frequent urination, urgent urination, and painful urination and so on.

However, when women have the chlamydia in their uterus and have the environment of uterus affected, the chance for them to experience endometriosis symptoms is quite high, because the chlamydia can disturb the balance of the environment and bring endometriosis to women. Therefore, the chlamydia can bring the endometriosis symptoms to women. Therefore, the endometriosis can be treated as a complication of chlamydia.

Since the complications of the chlamydia is so dreadful. How to avoid these complications? Antibiotics and herbal medicine are excellent options. Antibiotics have strong ability of eliminating bacteria and toxic materials. However, because of the drug resistance, it is more suitable for acute chlamydia. As for the herbal medicine, it is more suitable for chronic type, because herbal medicine has no drug resistance and the effect won’t be affected by long-term treating.

Due to the features of antibiotics, it is improper to recommend you some antibiotics, because the best way is changing the antibiotic and the dosage based on the effect you’ve got, as for the herbal medicine, Fuyan pill is a good choice. The cure rate of this herbal medicine on chlamydia is very high. What’s more, chlamydia complications like endometriosis can also be eliminated by this herbal medicine.

What’s the best prevention method for chlamydia?

What’s the best prevention method for chlamydia?

The chlamydia discharge might bring impacts to male’s reproductive ability, if patients leave the chlamydia untreated. What’s more, women can also affect the chlamydia via sex, leading to lots of gynecological diseases like endometritis, salpingitis, oaritis, abortion or even infertility(which are complications of chlamydia in women). Therefore, take actions to prevent chlamydia is necessary and inevitable. Here are some prevention methods for chlamydia.

Exercise frequently

Exercise can enhance the resistance to infectious diseases. It can block majority bacteria and virus out of the body.

Build a healthy habit

A healthy habit is very important for Chlamydia Infection. Unhealthy habits like having multiple sexual partners or having sex without condoms can make you under a high risk of affecting chlamydia. And the two I mentioned above would put a woman at risk for chlamydia. Therefore, people should build a healthy habit.

Take test annually and accept treatment timely if the report is positive

Since around 50% chlamydia are silent and will show no symptoms to patients, it is better for people to take the chlamydia test annually. If the report shows positive, please accept treatment as soon as possible. Actually, the chlamydia can be cured radically, if you can receive treatment timely and choose the right treatment.

All in all, to prevent the chlamydia, people should take positive attitude on this aspect. In addition to the western medication, this disease also can be cured by herbal medicines named Fuyan Pill and Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. Both of the two pills can cure this disease within three months. By the way, Fuyan Pill is for women and Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is for men.

Differentiate mycoplasma hominis from ureaplasma urealyticum

Differentiate mycoplasma hominis from ureaplasma urealyticum

chlamydia discharge and ureaplasma urealyticum are two kinds of mycoplasma. However, they are different. And in this article, I will analyze the differences between them from five aspects: definition, causes, symptoms, complications and treatment.


Chlamydia Infection is a species of bacteria in the genus Mycoplasma. Along with ureaplasmas and mycoplasmas, they are the smallest free-living organisms known. It is often present in the vagina, but may or may not belong to the normal vaginal flora. Some evidence suggests that M. hominis may be associated with pelvic inflammatory disease.

Ureaplasma urealyticum is a genital mycoplasma which colonizes the human genital tract. It then produces infection. The organism is sometimes referred to as "T-strain" of mycoplasma because it produces tiny colonies invisible to the naked eye. Ureaplasma urealyticum is a small, gram-negative organism that is unicellular and lacks a cell wall.


Sexual contact (the primary mode as the infection is most commonly associated with sexual promiscuity )

Vertically from mother to her offspring

Hospital-acquired through transplanted tissues

When an infected person coughs or sneezes in your face


Symptoms of mycoplasma hominis include:

Painful urination

Unusual discharge

Pain during sex

The symptoms associated with Ureaplasma urealyticum include:

Non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU)

Unusual genital discharge (possibly yellow)






Neonatal pneumonia

Neonatal meningitis

Chronic fatigue

Burning sensation in the nose or itchy eyes


Since M. hominis inhabits the urogenital tract of humans, it has the potential of contributing to pelvic inflammatory disease, salpingitis and bacterial vaginosis. It has also been found to be a contributing factor of both pharyngitis and respiratory disease while contributing to other forms of disease including septic arthritis, central nervous system conditions, female infertility and postpartum fever.

According to the Diseases Database, complications of ureaplasma urealyticum include: pneumonia in newborn infants, meningitis in newborn infants, infertility, neonatal death and premature birth.


Antibiotic treatment:

Initial treatments for ureaplasma urealyticum are doxycycline and azithromycin. Other alternatives include erythromycin, ofloxacin and minocycline.

Antibiotics that can take effect on the ribosome can play a good role in treating M. hominis. These antibiotics include erythromycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol and so on.

Herbal therapy:

Both can be cured by a herbal medicine named fuyan pill.

Benefits of Circumcision Are Said to Outweigh Risks

Benefits of Circumcision Are Said to Outweigh Risks


chlamydia transmission The American Academy of Pediatrics has shifted its stance on infant male circumcision, announcing on Monday that new research, including studies in Africa suggesting that the procedure may protect heterosexual men against H.I.V., indicated that the health benefits outweighed the risks.

But the academy stopped short of recommending routine circumcision for all baby boys, saying the decision remains a family matter. The academy had previously taken a neutral position on circumcision.

The new policy statement, the first update of the academy's circumcision policy in over a decade, appears in the Aug. 27 issue of the journal Pediatrics. The group's guidelines greatly influence pediatric care and decisions about coverage by insurers; in the new statement, the academy also said that circumcision should be covered by insurance.

The long-delayed policy update comes as sentiment against circumcision is gaining strength in the United States and parts of Europe. Circumcision rates in the United States declined to 54.5 percent in 2009 from 62.7 percent in 1999, according to one federal estimate. Critics succeeded last year in placing a circumcision ban on the ballot in San Francisco, but a judge ruled against including the measure.

In Europe, a government ethics committee in Germany last week overruled a court decision that removing a child's foreskin was "grievous bodily harm" and therefore illegal. The country's Professional Association of Pediatricians called the ethics committee ruling "a scandal."

A provincial official in Austria has told state-run hospitals in the region to stop performing circumcisions, and the Danish authorities have commissioned a report to investigate whether medical doctors are present during religious circumcision rituals as required.

Officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, which for several years have been pondering circumcision recommendations of their own, have yet to weigh in and declined to comment on the academy’s new stance. Medicaid programs in several states have stopped paying for the routine circumcision of infants.

"We're not pushing everybody to circumcise their babies," Dr. Douglas S. Diekema, a member of the academy’s task force on circumcision and an author of the new policy, said in an interview. "This is not really pro-circumcision. It falls in the middle. It’s pro-choice, for lack of a better word. Really, what we’re saying is, 'This ought to be a choice that's available to parents.' ”

But opponents of circumcision say no one — not even a well-meaning parent — has the right to make the decision to remove a healthy body part from another person.