




What Complications Can Be Induced by BV?

For majority of people, BV is a minor illness. But it can also induce big trouble. If you don’t treat it in time, it would induce PID, cervical cancer, endometriosis and even infertility. So we suggest female friends treat it once you have acquired it.

The occurrence of BV would bring great harm do women’s health. It is a common gynecological disease. There are many reasons that can induce BV, such as filth intercourse, do not pay attention to the hygiene in the period and so on. If you don’t treat BV in time, a series of complications would occur. Then, what are the complications induced by BV?

PID. If you don’t treat BV in time, the bacteria would diffuse and the pelvic cavity would be infected, inducing PID. So that female friends should pay attention to BV and treat it in time.

Cervical cancer. If you have acquired BV, the vaginal secretion produced by anearobion would contain ammonia and ammonium nitrite. If you don’t treat it soon, these secretion would be likely to induce cervical cancer. So that female friends should notice that: if you have acquired BV, you should go to see the doctor in time.

Endometriosis. Endometriosis is also a complication induced by BV. If a woman has acquired BV, the bacteria would spread, directly affecting the endometrium of the patient and inducing endometriosis, and even inducing more serious consequences.  

Infertility. If a woman has acquired BV, her vaginal secretion would contain a good deal of pathogens. These pathogens would influence sperms, or even induce the death of sperms, inducing female infertility. Besides, if a woman acquires BV during pregnancy, it is likely to induce abortion, which affects the health and safety of babies.

For treating BV and other complications induced by BV, you can take “Fuyan pill” to diminish inflammation at first. “Fuyan Pill” is made up from multiple herbs including Bupleurum falcatum L., poria cocos, radices scutellariae, Gardenia, Atractylodes ovata, etc., among which some herbs are highly powerful in killing bacteria, virus, and all the pathogen causing infections.

article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Cervicitis/2013/1009/522.html


Do you know the Symptoms of Mycotic Vaginitis?

You may often hear of vaginitis when it comes to female diseases, but how much do you know about mycotic vaginitis? In fact, mycotic vaginitis is a kind of common disease of women for a lot of women. However, quite a lot of female friends do not know the symptoms of the disease. Here, thus, what I want to share is about the symptoms of mycotic vaginitis.


Doctor Lee introduces that mycotic vaginitis is the most common disease of women, and it is often accompanied by other pathogen infection, such as mycoplasma, chlamydia, which are also easy to cause female infertility. So only when we have a good knowledge of the symptoms of mycotic vaginitis can we manage to prevent it and treat it timely. 


The main symptoms of mycotic vaginitis are incredible itching of vulva, even ulcerating pain and burning pain, which are more apparent when you are passing urine. Some patients may have frequent urination, urinary pain and pure pain, sticky leucorrhea , with a shape of white bean curd or curd. The skin is covered with white pseudo membrane, and the mucous membrane becomes red after wiping, etc.


In addition, Mycotic vaginitis patients may suffer from increase of leucorrhoea in quantity, itching and burning of genital and vagina, pain while urinating, redness and swelling around vulva and the cuticular changes are varied. Some may also have swarms of shallow blister papula. Usually, there may form eczema-like erosion, which is completely similar to acute or subacute eczema, and this is limited to the vulva or expands to the surrounding and the perineum and around anus and reproductive plica, till the thigh and skin somewhere else. Near the labia and clitoris may appear mucosa thickening. And the skin surface may flush and erose when contacting other skin. Some individuals can have small white pustules, even ulcer, vulvar pain and local lymph node enlargement when it serious.


Mycetes in vagina often infects other fungus of other parts, and exists with them together,   such as mycetes of oral cavity and intestinal tract, etc. If there appears the symptoms above, Fuyan pills can help you to solve the problem, thus reliving your pain completely. The prescriptions which can clear away heat and toxic materials can help patients to get rid of damp, toxic and bacteria. Besides, other ingredients in the pill are able to promote blood circulation. Symptoms such as pain, swelling can be relieved. In addition, Fuyan Pill can recuperate the vitality, which makes contribute to restore liver and kidney function.

article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Cervicitis/2013/1208/545.html


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んでいないだろう?リネン、スエード、キャンバス、革、カーフスキン、マイクロファイバー、ビニールやナイロンのような市場で利用可能なので、多くの異な るスタイルや素材を使用すると、すべての人のための選択肢がたくさんあります。そしてもちろん、デザイナーの財布を購入する形状、サイズとスタイル(ミ ディアム財布、クレジットカードの財布、ミニ財布、小切手帳の財布やアジェンダ)のすべてのさまざまな品種、非常に挑戦することができます。

今日では、すべてあなたがそれを引き出し、それはそれに値する注目を集めるようにしたいので、革の財ゼニア アウトレット

プ ラダは確かにそれは、デザイナーの財布に来る最も人気のあるブランドの一つです。女性と男性は同様にすぐに特徴的なプラダの三角形に彼らがそれを見る瞬間 を認識しています。プラダの財布は、通常はそれが簡単に消費者が偽物を認識できるようにすること、フロントとセンター内の署名のロゴを備えています。

Can chronic prostatitis affect sperm quality?

Can chronic prostatitis affect sperm quality?

Can chronic prostatitis affect sperm quality?

A patient: Dr.Lee, Could you tell me if chronic prostatitis can affect sperm quality?I have long suffered chronic prostatitis, and there's no sign of improvement. Recently, I planned to have a child, but failed. So I wonder if it is chronic prostatitis that influenced my fertility. It would be very appreciate if you explain it in detail and give me some advice.
Dr.Lee: In fact, the question you concern is not uncommon. Whether chronic prostatitis has something to do with sperm is a question that a lot of chronic prostatitis patients have asked me indeed.
Fist of all, chronic prostatitis has influence on semen quality. As a matter of fact, chronic epididymitis and vesiculitis are common complications of chronic prostatitis. Both them can change environment in spermaduct and cause obstruction. When prostate is inflamed, gland fibrosis and tubular obstruction decrease prostate secretions. Obviously, the amount of semen decreases, which is not propitious for sperm motility.
Can chronic prostatitis affect male fertility?
Whether chronic prostatitis can cause male infertility or not is a problem with no clear understanding now. Some chronic prostatitis patients who suffer from severe symptoms are still able to have children. Theoretically, as we referred above, inflammation can absolutely affect amount and ingredient of semen and then bring about infertility. Therefore, this question should be considered dialectically.  
In summary, prostate secretions decrease when inflammation occurs, which reduces semen amount. As a result, both sperm motility and quality are disturbed. Also, enzyme activity has a tendency of reduction in prostate fluid, which causes denser semen and longer liquefying time. Besides, inflammation is a killer for sperm, that is because pH value will reduce and the body produces anti-sperm antibodies. In addition, a large number of bacteria and bacterial toxins can consume the nutritional composition of seminal plasma, thereby affect survival probability.      
How should chronic prostatitis be treated to prevent and cure male infertility?
Dr.Lee recommends pure traditional Chinese medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to solve male infertility caused by chronic prostatitis. The formula of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill contains plantago seed, Dianthus superbus, talcum, earthworm, Polygonum aviculare, herba laminariae, pangolin, saffron,semen persicae,honeysuckle,lignum aquilariae, etc.. "Diuretic Anti-inflammatory Pill" has effect of clearing away heat and toxic material. it also produce oxygen in sperm.If you suffer from poor quality sperm, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can also make you produce good quality of sperm in volumes you never have experienced before.These medicinal herbs are harvested from the high plains of the differing countries of Asia. Some of these herbs can also be found in the hinterlands of South America more specifically in the deep jungles of South America. Brazil is one country where many and various kinds of herbal medicine has been found that can be effective in curing sexual related diseases and infertility problems.
article source : http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Prostatitis/Chronic_Prostatitis/2012/0419/prostatitis-sperm.html