




Rumo said Blatter to resign FIFA will not eradicate corruption

Former UEFA vice-chairman Freddie rumo said FIFA president Sepp Blatter to resign and the status quo can not eradicate corruption in the world soccer body.

"I think Sepp Blatter of corruption with no personal relationship." Rumo said, "If FIFA's goal is to eradicate corruption, replace the chairman will not have any effect." Rumo believes Blatter's departure could lead to the changing mechanism at the organizational level, the Chairman may end tenure and have "the Buy fifa 16 coins same status pope," but it does not affect corruption, as long as there is a lot of money Cheap fifa 16 coins flows where there will be corruption, either FIFA or the other institutions.

"FIFA has more than 200 members and six regional organizations, but the decision by the Executive Committee on major issues, such as who is going to host the World Cup.


US authorities said the FIFA Secretary general may be involved in corruption cases

US authorities said the FIFA Secretary General Jerome Walker is likely to be one of FIFA corruption behind major participant. Volcker has not yet been charged, and he refused to admit Cheap fifa 16 coins to the alleged crime. But Volcker is the FIFA official duties highest non-elected senior officials in addition to one of the two FIFA vice-president has been arrested, and 12 other senior officials outside, Volcker also FIFA .

Last week, Swiss police in the FBI leading the arrest of several high-ranking officials of FIFA, who are accused of money laundering, fraud and Buy fifa 16 coins bribery. In announcing the indictment, the prosecutor mentioned that in 2008, there is an unidentified senior officials of FIFA, "artificial" to the former FIFA vice-president Jack Warner, the transfer of $ 10 million. US law enforcement officials responsible for investigating the case of the New York Times said they believed the unidentified officer was Walker. FIFA spokesman Fisher said the Chairman of the Finance Committee at the time of the late Julio Grondona, he authorized the payment of $ 10 million to Warner behavior, but they believe that payment behavior is "with FIFA consistent with the provisions ", while Volcker was the FIFA finance director.

The indictment said that when Warner received as a $ 10 million, is for the South African bid to host the 2010 World Cup and the exchange of votes. At that time, South Africa does not have enough ability to pay the fee, so instead of South Africa to the FIFA Warner paid $ 10 million. South Africa is officially denied this.

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